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Praise for "THE TIGER'S BRIDE":
“an inventive endeavor…notable for its ingenuity” - TheatreScene
“Gorgeous…a lot of fun…recommended” - No Proscenium
“Truly immersive theatre done to perfection” - Electric Link
“…an intriguing romp…four stars” - PlaysToSee
Who Is Uzume ?
The Shinto goddess of joy and happiness, Uzume is credited with returning sunlight to the world after the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, went into hiding in a cave. Uzume decorated herself with moss and leaves, lit bonfires, and made a stage from an upturned tub. Her inspired song and divine dancing so delighted the assembled gods that they roared in laughter, thus awakening the curiosity of the sun goddess. When Amaterasu peeked out to see the performance, sunlight burst forth and she was cured of her sadness, leaving the cave for good. Theatre Uzume aims to bring a little light to you through the power of interactive storytelling.
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